Monday, December 16, 2013

Holiday Traffic.

Man, nothing will turn you into a scrooge faster than sitting in two hours worth of traffic...

Traffic that has nothing to do with accidents or construction. No reason. Just cars. Lots and lots of cars.

On Thursday night, I left straight from my office at 5 o'clock to head to Prestonwood Baptist Church for their annual Christmas Festival and to meet up with Tanner's family. They were going to have dinner an hour before the show, which started at 7PM. The plan was to leave work on time in order to meet the Cobbs for dinner. Ten minutes into crawling on the highway, I jokingly told Tanner, "Hope I make it in time for the show!" This was a very sarcastic comment because the church was less than 20 miles away from my place of work. Surely I did not need 120 minutes to travel 20 miles.

Low and behold, at 6:58PM, I was sprinting in my work heels through Prestonwood's parking lot to make it inside before they shut the doors to start the show. I had completely missed dinner.

Thankfully, Tanner saved me a roll that I stuffed into my purse to hide from the Prestonwood ushers. Bah Humbug! Nothing like an empty stomach to accompany the side effects of highway congestion.

Luckily, the Christmas show was absolutely amazing. Prestonwood had brought in live camels, donkeys, acrobats, and flying things: like angels, drummer boys, Rudolf, and Santa's sleigh. It was a huge production that put me back in the Christmas spirit.

Fast-forward to Saturday at Northpark Mall. Tanner and I had not accomplished any Christmas shopping for our families, and we chose to shop on Saturday afternoon in the middle of December in Dallas, Texas. Ho Ho Hopeless. On our way to the Macy's parking lot, we witnessed people leaving their cars in the grass in order to make it inside the mall. We circled. And we circled. We stalked families walking to their cars, but every single time a different car had beat us to a spot. After thirty minutes and a few prayers, we finally got a parking spot! We spent a combined total of six hours at Northpark, Toys R Us, and Best Buy, but we marked off every name on our list. Strategically, Total Wine & Spirits is located next door to Toys R Us so Tanner and I purchased some spiked eggnog and drive-tru In-N-Out Burger to end the night. Both were well deserved.

Tanner and I had carried over the amount of fun we had on Friday night in order to survive our Saturday afternoon. On Friday, we drove to the Gaylord Texan Resort to look at the ICE sculpture exhibit they put on every year. Two years ago, we had visited the ice sculptures on our very first Kappa Sig Take-A-Date together. It was fun to revisit the resort and even the same restaurant we ate at as juniors in college. The memories made me miss our friends, especially when we needed our picture taken (ha!), but it was fun to go back just the two of us. How people have the patience to sculpt ice until it's silky smooth is beyond me. I'm  positive it took them longer than my drive to Prestonwood. But a little word to the wise if you plan on visiting ICE!: Walk slow and bring warm gloves for your hands!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Blame Scandal.

The real reason for my lack of blogging is not my incredible work ethic, my dedication to working-out 5 days a week, nor my out-of-control social life. The majority of my absence can be explained by Suzy introducing me to Scandal. I have canceled Pure Barre classes, skipped out on social outings, and spent my brain cells at work thinking about how perfect Oliva "Liv" Pope is. Her wardrobe is perfect. Her wine glasses are perfect. The fact that she only eats popcorn for dinner and never sleeps is perfect.

In record time, I watched the first two seasons of Scandal on Netflix. I quickly caught up to the third season, which is currently airing on Thursday nights on ABC, and had to suffer from withdrawals Friday-Wednesday. Since tonight is the season finale, maybe I can be re-initiated into the blogging world. Or maybe I'll be too depressed to write.

So much has happened since my last post that I'm not quite sure where to begin. I'll start by saying seasons fly by much faster at work than they ever did at school. And I mean FLY. I can't believe I am already entering my 7th month in the real-world. It feels like yesterday I was sweating on my way to the office and now I'm slipping on ice. Actually, both of those extremes happened just last week. On Tuesday, the high was above 80 degrees and by Friday, downtown was closed due to hazardous road conditions caused by freezing rain. Dallas is finally reaching temperatures above freezing, but the parking garage at my apartment still has enough ice to build a snowman. And cause me to slip on an ice patch, coffee in hand, as I'm running late to work. That sight, this morning, was not a pretty one.

Thanksgiving had already come and gone. Now I only have one full week of work left before I hop on a plane back to Lousiville for Christmas. I can't wait to be back with my favorite little people! I have sent Carly and Cassidy "emjois" to read on their iTouches everyday so they don't forget about me. I love that Christmas still means staying up late for Santa, and  half-eaten cookies, and wish-lists by the fireplace in Louisville. Over Thanksgiving I helped Cassidy write two letters to Santa asking for a Mega Lego Block Barbie House from Costco. I hope Santa reads her letters! ;)

Last weekend will forever be a memorable one for us Baylor grads. It will go down in history as the best football win in Floyd Casey Stadium and the coldest/ most miserable win for the fans. Tanner and I braved the icy bridges down I-35 and 27 degree temperatures  to warm our souls with a Big O from George's before entering Floyd Casey Stadium for the very last time. Never, in the history of Baylor's football program, have the bears won the Big 12 Championship... or had weather cold enough to cause this girl to wear five layers of clothing. (I don't even wear that many layers to go skiing). I will tell my children and grandchildren that I witnessed the great Art Briles turn off the very last light in Floyd Casey Stadium. Ah, that sentence almost brought tears to my eyes. It only cost me a couple of toes to frost bite.
Baylor fans have an exciting year ahead for them with a Hercules of a coach, a returning starting QB , and a brand-spanking-new stadium on campus. I have a feeling I will be down in Waco for 2014 just as much as I was in 2013.

Tanner and I will be getting in the Christmas spirit starting tonight at Prestonwood Babtist Church's Christmas Festival. Tomorrow we are driving down to Garland to enjoy the ICE! sculptures at The Gaylord Texan.
It really is the most wonderful time of year! But more importantly, thank you Lord-for your little boy. He is the reason for the season and I am blessed by Him more and more each year.
And Lord, please be with me as I try to venture to Northpark Mall for Christmas shopping on Saturday. Amen.

Thursday, September 12, 2013


The busyness of fall has officially begun.

I always thought the fall semester was the more hectic of semesters in college. When I wasn't in class, I was needed at float, pigskin practice, Kappa meetings, Kappa Sig meetings, Chapter Council, intramural games, football games, tailgates, etc. So many fun things happen all at once in the fall. Post grad life has proven to be no different.

Football is still going on, but more games are seen through a television now. Saturday mornings are occupied with your typical "Dallas brunch" instead of tailgating. Working extra hours during "fall busy season" at work has shortened my evenings, no longer making it possible to workout after work. If I want to squeeze a workout in, my alarm must go off at 5:45AM. Luckily, moments like this are captured at stoplights when you are chasing the sun.

Fall recruitment is picking up, and so will the mileage on my car. I will be attending career fairs at Texas A&M, Baylor, Trinity, Mary Hardin-Baylor, UT-Dallas, and University of North Texas. A few of those events require a 1 to 2 nights stay in a hotel, which I'm really excited about! I can't wait to spread out in a King-sized bed, watch late-night TV, use the community treadmill, and get ice down the hall!

From now on, every Monday after work will be spent hanging out with freshman girls in high school. Tanner and I decided to be YoungLife leaders this year, and we will get the chance to see these fourteen year olds grow up to be graduates, all the while pursuing the Lord. Being a leader for YoungLife has already proven to be challenging, but I can't wait to see what will unfold before me through a group of teenage girls. Signing up to be a leader was a complete leap of faith. I have never done anything like this before. I have already learned to depend on prayer, and the first club hasn't even started yet. Not only will I attend club on Mondays, I'll be back under the Friday night lights for JJ Pearce's home football games, and hanging out with the girls outside of school activities. I'm feeling nervous, excited, anxious, and... twenty-two.

I am hoping that one thing in my schedule stays the same from this summer. Every Tuesday starting at 7PM, a group of my friends and I would attend The Porch at Watermark church. "The Porch is a community of young adults in their 20s and 30s who come together each Tuesday evening to praise God, study His Word, and go out to impact the world around us throughout the week." I have truly looked forward to Tuesday nights since I moved to Dallas. What JP and the rest of the young adults team discuss in that hour and a half is so applicable to my life, every single week. Your 20s and 30s are filled with huge life changes, and The Porch does such a great job of tying work, dating, marriage, church membership, and everything else you face as a young adult back to Jesus and His word.

One huge thing I am looking forward to this fall is Baylor Homecoming as an alumni. Gosh, if you have never been to a Baylor Homecoming then I just feel sorry for you. It's the same caliber to me as Disney Land. I can't wait to see my friends performing on stage at PigSkin, drink out of red solo cups at the tailgate, and actually enjoy the Homecoming parade without having to pull all-nighters out at a very scary and abandoned float site.

In college, I couldn't believe I let myself think I was actually busy in high school. Now, I can't believe I actually let myself think I was busy in college. In ten years from now... I really hope I'm a mom that drops her kid off at school then goes shopping all day, but the truth is, I'll probably be telling my self, "How did I ever let myself think I was busy at 22?!"

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Showers. Scroggins. Steaks.


Can I give a super sonic speed edition post to fill in the past 3 weeks of my life? Let's try!

A reunion with my group of girlfriends hasn't truly started until someone pops the champagne and mixes the bubbly with a little orange juice.

Three weekend ago, Leigh and I headed southbound towards Houston for Alliare's "Monograms and Mimosas" wedding shower. Like usual, I brought home all my laundry. Thanks Mom! :)
The shower was hosted by some of my favorite Baylor mommas in the Garden Room at Brennan's of Houston.
There are something about wedding showers that make me truly enjoy being a girl.

Zoom to the next weekend: Labor Day weekend! Not only does Labor Day  mean a 3 day weekend, it also means Tanner's birthday! Just like last year, Tanner and I, and a bunch of our friends, hinted at Austin to invite us to his lake house for the holiday. Of course we wanted to see Austin, but secretly we all craved a weekend full of Mrs. Wight's home cooking. I can never leave Austin's house without my pants fitting a little tighter. However, every bite was worth it.

Tanner's birthdays are always fun for me because I have to get creative. The boy is hard to shop for since he is more stylish than I am. I usually have to think long and hard about his birthday present. Naturally, I started thinking about what to get him back in June. This year, I went with a green golf polo and a slim-fit polo by Original Penguin, and made him a picture album with twenty-three of my favorite pictures of us from the past 2 years. I also made an early morning Starbucks run and brought him a caramel macchiato and cinnamon rolls with homemade birthday cake icing before we packed the car for Scroggins, Texas.

My parents instructed that, for their birthday gift to Tanner, I take him to a restaurant that does not have a drive-thru attached. Tanner and I have never been to Nick & Sam's steakhouse so I figured a twenty-third birthday would be the perfect occasion. Let me start off by saying there isn't enough Pure Barre  in all of Dallas that could work off the amount of food I ate that night. Our waiter brought us complimentary caviar to start. Then, complimentary champagne and lobster man n' cheese for an appetizer. I ordered a filet and Tanner ordered some massive 16oz cow as our main dish. Mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus accompanied our steaks. Finally, we topped everything off with crème Brule. My stomach hurts even talking about this. The worst part, and the best part, was the fact that we were having another 80 course meal the very next night with the Cobbs at Chamberlain Steak and Chop House. I'm talking bread, salad, wine, almond crusted fish, lobster on top, and vanilla ice cream covered in strawberries and Kahlua.

There was no point in sucking in for this picture. It just wasn't physically possible.

 I just realized this post involved a lot of food. Be right back... I'm starving.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

cRaZy wEeKeNdS.

The day that Groupon entered my life was the best and worst thing for my wallet. I am saving money on great deals I find in my daily emails. The company caters to my needs and my location. Unfortunately, Groupon also encourages me to spend money of stuff I would never buy in the first place.

For example:
I have never experienced a "blow-out" just for fun. Going to a hair salon for anything other than a cut or color reminds me of prom. I saw this deal on Groupon for a blow-out and "conditioning shot" at a salon just one mile away from my apartment. Instead on the normal $75 Dallas women spend on this sort of treatment, the coupon was for a mere $19.Okay... how could I not?! Click. Purchase. Submit. SOLD.

I walked in on Friday and told the lady "I have a Groupon for something. I'm not exactly sure what for..." And she took me to the sink to wash my hair. Then she brought be a glass of red wine. Someone to play with my hair while I sip on wine was worth my nineteen bucks right there!

It never fails that I am paired up with the hair lady with some crazy twisted life. This one proceeded  to tell me that her ex-boyfriend is now sleeping in the same bed as his ex-wife. The ex-wife called my hair lady to tell her that this sleeping arrangement is no big deal, a pillow barrier separates the two of them, and she was just calling to be the bigger person and not keep any secrets. This is also the first man my hair lady had dated since her ex-husband. Oh, and now my hair lady wants to go to law school.

Wow my life is boring.

So long story short, she continued to play with my hair, curled it, teased it, sprayed it, and finally my hair was ready to make an appearance on the red carpet. Truth is, I was only going to grab sushi with Tanner that night so I felt pretty silly sporting this large, Texas 'do. I tipped her $5 and then immediately put my hair in a pony-tail. Will I ever purchase a blow-out on Groupon again? Probably not. Was $19 worth the wine and free soap opera? Yup.

You would think a 22 year-old living in Uptown would have some very wild weekends. What is more wild than a blow-out on a Friday evening? Putt-Putt golf on a Saturday night.

Yup, Tanner and I are 22 going on 60.

But ya know, whatever! Putt-Putt was extremely entertaining and I would go again this weekend. Tanner beat me (without much effort) so that just means I need more practice. After Putt-Putt, I was home in bed by 11 PM. I am however, very excited to have actual plans this weekend. On Friday after work I will be booking it to Houston to see some long lost friends and shower one with wedding gifts! Allaire's Monograms and Mimosas wedding shower on Saturday will be a celebration and a picture-worthy reunion. Be on the lookout!

If you ever want to be shown a wild weekend in Dallas, you know who to call.

Monday, August 19, 2013

Spare Tire.

I heard a question asked the other day, and it really hit home with me.

Is praying your steering wheel, or your spare tire?

I have prayed for as long as I can remember. As a child, my parents would tuck me in bed and remind me to "say your prayers" as they turned off the light. I pray at night to thank God for blessings that are undeserved and the ones I take for granted. Once those thank yous and IOUs are covered, I roll over and fall asleep.

Until recently, I only prayed at night. Or when there was a crisis. Prayer was my spare tire. When prayer is your steering wheel, you incorporate prayer throughout your whole day. At every decision, cross road, and speed bump. Prayer should be your GPS.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God
Philippians 4:6

Since I'm in a city unfamiliar to me, I whole-heartedly trust my GPS. I would be so lost without it. I would give up and cry in frustration. A GPS is my only hope for guidance when I am going down an unfamiliar road. A little satellite up in the sky can see my every movement, and let's me know the second I turn down a wrong path. My GPS corrects my route and adapts to where I am. A driver who refuses to use a GPS is just plain stubborn.

So why is it so easy to trust a GPS and not prayer? Prayer is your only hope for guidance. Without prayer, people give up and cry in frustration. God, up in the sky looking over the whole entire world, sees my every move and would let me know immediately when I am going down the wrong path if I would just listen. Prayer would correct my path the minute I go astray and adapt to my circumstances. Refusing to trust prayer and be in charge of your own life is just plain stubborn. I know all of these things to be true and yet, it is so easy to make prayer a spare tire.

I want to make prayer my steering wheel, to guide my every decision, the choices I make in work, with myself, and my relationships with family, friends, and Tanner. When you fully trust in prayer, you no longer feel like you are dragging an 18-wheeler behind you. A burden is lifted when you know you are being guided by the holy spirit - a God that knows all things and sees all things. Where to begin? Start by praying to make prayer your steering wheel.

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him" (Matthew 6:5-8).




Pure Barre.

Instead of buying a gym membership once I settled in Uptown, I decided to use the resources I had available in my "backyard" and jog the Katy Trail. I love the Katy Trail. It never fails to leave me wishing I had a golden retriever to pant along side me.

I would visit the Katy Trail at least every other day until mid June. Then the trail turned into a 100+ fire burning oven. The fact that people are still breathing on the Katy Trail in August is beyond me. I am hoping by the end of September I can visit my friend Katy again, but until then... sorry sista. You will not be hearing from me!

To beat the heat, I signed up for air conditioned Pure Barre classes. I didn't know what to expect, but because I used to dance and play competitive softball and volleyball, I anticipated the class to be fun and different.

If you are anything like me, if you aren't the best at something the first time you try it, you become incredibly frustrated. That is why Pure Barre has become a bit addicting for me. It is so challenging because I am not the best in the class by any means. Pure Barre has now become a game I can't quit until I "win." I was completely lost the first class. Women next to me would twist their face in pain while I felt nothing. After 55 minutes I was incredibly sore, but I did every exercise and thought "Okay, that's not so bad. I must be in better shape than I thought."

I kept going to classes and realized I was doing the "little" things all wrong. It took me about 5 classes  to really understand what the Pure Barre instructors were telling me,  and now my face is twisted in pain. I turn bright red and melt from sweat during the ten minute warm-up. I can't even complete a 55 minute class without taking a break or breaking out of a holding position. I think when you do every single itty bitty movement exactly the way the method is taught, the class is freaking impossible. And now I can't stop. I'm so mad I can't do something perfect for 55 minutes. I'm athletic. I'm coachable. I'm a perfectionist. Pure Barre is so frustrating because I know I will never be the best, and I still don't understand everything.

And again, if you are like me, you will not rest easy until you are one of the best in your class. I had to take the time (and still do) outside of class to watch these videos. The clips help immensely. I understand why some ladies prefer to take private lessons before joining a group session. I have to continually go back and remind myself what was said in the videos. If you did not know these videos were available to you, I hope I just changed your workout for the better x a billion.

Congrats Pure Barre. You can have all my money because I can't stop until I beat you!!!

Last thing, however much I love Pure Barre and think it's incredibly challenging and addicting, I think it is most beneficial to the women who are already fit. My muscles have become more toned and defined and the class is a huge calorie burner, but I don't believe you will go from a size 10 to a 2 with Pure Barre alone. I think healthy eating and cardio will get you where you want to be, and then you should think about joining Pure Barre to chisel those hard-to-reach places and define those muscles you already have. The scale has not budged for me since I started Pure Barre but my muscles have.

And disclaimer: I am a cookie/chocolate/ice cream professional. That could be another reason why the scale has not budged. Nothing against Pure Barre and weight loss.

That's all for now. No purpose for this blog post but to kill time. Thanks for reading (mom, dad, and Steph).

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Dallas To-Do List.

I am creating my Dallas To-Do List.

I have to write down or document these sort of things. I have To-Do lists all over my desk and Post-It notes as a nice, yellow border to my computer. I learned in Training & Development that right-brain people need constant reminders or detailed planners because we are occasionally absentminded. We are also cat lovers.

Okay, back to the list.
  1. Some sort of tour by Dallas by Chocolate. Um hello?! The name speaks for itself. They have more than just chocolate. They offer ice cream, wine, sometimes burgers and beer. I don't have to be heartbroken and crying in front of Grey's Anatomy to let myself indulge in some chocolate and wine. Welcome to my Monday-Sunday people.
  2. Visit the George Bush Library. Not that original but I gotta do it!
  3. Eat at the food trucks in Kyle Warren Park. Might save that one until it no longer "Feels Like 106."
  4. See the Beatles Tribute Band "A Hard Night's Day" at the Arboretum. I know I have already been to a concert at the Arboretum but I want to go again!
  5. Visit the Nasher Sculptor Center, because I have been on Pinterest and must see the big attraction as to why this place books so many wedding receptions.
  6. Ride a mechanical bull? You just never know.
  7. Go to the Dallas Zoo. Again, that will have to wait until I no longer can fry eggs on the cement.
  8.  Visit the Ghostbar. This sounds like something I could drag Tanner to. :)
  9. Drive south to the Galaxy Drive-In Theatre.
  10. Ask Tanner to do this too.
  11. Do everything D Magazine says I must do in order to become a true local. So far I have only had a Neiman Marcus popover. :(

Am I missing anything?! Please let me know what I should add to my Dallas Do's!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Little Emma.

Because I have waited too long to announce that Emma Grace Cobbs was born on July 27, 2013, she is probably crawling... walking... practically driving by now.

About 18 hours earlier, on Friday, July 26th, Tanner picked me up after work and headed out to where the Dille family was awaiting the birth of their first granddaughter. The Cobbs and the Dilles gathered together in this amazing "backhouse" (should have snagged a pic so you all would understand how amazing) and drank wine, ordered pizza, and sunk into the soft sofa cushions as we spoke in excited chatter about the new baby girl about to be born.

Wine. Pizza. Couch. Not bad at all. Totally my idea of how to bring in a baby into this new world. Child birth? Pssshhh.

Well, that lasted about an hour.

Around 8:30PM we moseyed over to the hospital where we conquered the waiting room. When I say conquered, I mean absolutely took it over. See pic:

Tanner and I were able to visit Travis and Anna in their labor room while things were still pretty calm. Then for the rest of the night, we had The Game of Life on my iPad to keep us entertained until about 3:30 AM. At 3:31AM... there was still no sign of  a baby and I couldn't keep my eyes pried open anymore. A group of us sluggishly returned to the backhouse for a 3 hour cat-nap. I never pulled a true all night-er in college, it definitely wasn't going to happen as a working woman.

At 6:30AM we got a phone call saying we should come back to the hospital because things were about to get exciting. And guess what?!!
We waited. And then did some more waiting. Then some more.

About 11:30 AM on Saturday, I was able to hold a little 7 pound 7 ounce baby girl named Emma Grace Cobbs! She is the first niece and grandchild on either side with 3 uncles to "protect and guard her heart." What a spoiled and adored little girl! :)

Emma absolutely had the right idea with the shut-eye. I went home and slept for the next 4 hours.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sixty-Seven Years.

 marry your best friend.


All this "Royal Baby" talk is really making me miss London.

When I was studying abroad at the Imperial College of London two summers ago, I would walk the streets of South Kensington in awe of the fact my parents walked the same streets for nine whole years. If you didn't already know, I am a duel citizen. I was born at The Portland Hospital in London, England and called the city of red Double-Decker buses "home" for four years. My parents and sister, however, spent almost a decade as residents of the UK. I have pictures of my itty bitty self in castles I can't remember, not as a tourist but as a guest! I would love to live four years in London while I now have a hold on my memory. If anyone needs an accounting recruiter with an American/Texan accent in your British office, I'm your girl!

I barely have any memories of my original time in London. I have one memory of scraping my knees at a playground, then visiting my sister at the American School in London during her lunch hour and having her blow on my cuts and bruises to make the pain go away. I can also picture the inside of our flat with the booger-green bathtub, but I'm not quite sure if I am replacing photographs and home videos with my memory.

 My first home!!! ^^^

I have been incredibly lucky to visit to my homeland a hand-full of times since my family returned to the states in 1995. Obviously my time with Baylor in Great Britain is my most memorable trip because of the duration of our stay and all the activities 19 and 20-year-olds schedule while in European countries. ;)

I can picture living in London at some point in my life. Mostly while I'm still young or my non-existent children are young as well. I think the city is incredibly romantic. I love grey skies and damp rain jackets. I love the busyness of the tube station, or traveling on a train with 100 strangers and letting your imagination run wild as to why they want to get away. I love walking everywhere and having no reason to own a car. The castles, buildings, landscapes, and gardens all have such history to them. The evenings are romantic as well. All of the sparking lights that hit your eyes when you get off at Piccadilly Circus. The Broadway shows for entertainment, the little houses in Notting Hill, the black taxi cabs waiting outside of pubs to take stragglers home. I love it all.

Obviously I immediately text my mom as I'm dreaming of Big Ben, Phantom of the Opera, and Buckingham Palace.

I hope she is serious. I'm dying over here.

"There's nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere."
Vivienne Westwood

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Real life.

Social media is a tricky thing. It can present everyone in this perfect light. No one ever posts a photo of themselves with a double chin, third-degree sunburns, or the way they look the second they wake up in the morning. Rather, people want to show off their clean houses, healthy meals, and  elaborate vacations. Never mind the fact that every other room in the house is a disaster, your dinner full of air lead you to finish a pint of ice cream, and that vacation costs 4 months in the gym and 200 hours of overtime. On social media, your life can be as perfect and easy as you want it to be. I have definitely caught myself envious of other girls' lives via their social page. How does she have time to curl her hair every morning? How is she that fit when she eats out every night? What kind of salary does she obtain in order to buy those kind of outfits?

Well guys, I'm going to try to be real with you all and not present my life in some magical light. Last night was not magical. Remember how much I love my brand-spanking-new, all white, 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee? If you don't, click here. As of almost 24 hours ago, I turned her into damaged goods. It was all my fault. She didn't deserve to be treated that way. I feel guilty looking at her knowing I am the one that caused her such heartache. But now, every time I look at her I'm reminded of what I have done.

Maybe I'm just not used to "Joanie" yet. She is a rather large woman.

We were having a nice time driving along West Village, trying to find a parking spot for Pinkberry. I was already thinking about my order, coconut frozen yogurt with strawberries and yogurt chips, and trying to avoid these two teenage girls walking slowwwwwwly in the middle of the parking garage entrance. Let's just say that Joanie and I are not the most patient women and when we get together, we wait on no one. There was just enough room to avoid the girls and turn right into the parking entrance.... or so I thought. I heard a crunch. And a scratch. My heart stopped. And then sank.

No I didn't hit the stupid teenage girls. Although I do blame them for all of this. I hit a cement pillar that was on the passenger's side of the parking entrance. I had no way of seeing it from my side of the car.

I immediately called my dad, because it just seemed like the right thing to do, and as he was explaining to me what steps I should take in this matter, it dawned on me that I had to pay for this. Oh yeah, my car insurance is in my name. I have to take my car in. I have to file the insurance claim. I have to also pay for a rental car in the mean time.

So there you have it people. I am a bad driver who is now broke. I am sorry you had to see Joanie this way. This is not her "perfect lighting" either.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lake Brownwood.

Despite having the worst cold of my entire life, Tanner and I drove 3 hours to catch up with friends and hit the lake! Lauren Otis's family housed 10 Baylor kids and fed us until we could no longer chew. The breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and endless supply of sangria were all homemade. We were incredibly spoiled with amazing food and friends all weekend. Spending 48 hours at Lauren's place made me realize no one ever has a bad day at the lake. Have you ever been invited to a lake house and left thinking you had the worst time of your entire life? It's unheard of. As long as you remember sunscreen.

I tried to capture glimpses of the weekend, with the sun setting over the water, the Baylor and Texas flag flapping side by side in the wind, Austin and Caleb trying to kill each other on the tube, but pictures never fully grasp God's work like when you are experiencing it first hand. The water, the sunset, the friends in my life, are all placed by God strategically and without flaw. Being out on a lake has never failed to reminded me of God's peacefulness and faithfulness.

Hopefully one day I will be lucky enough to own my own lake house and return some of the hospitality I have had over the years. The lake is one of the easiest excuses to call everyone you know and escape reality for a weekend. Plus, nothing is cuter than seeing little tots running around in huge life jackets.

I'm still having all sorts of fun with my new camera, as you can tell.

To end the weekend, Tanner and I caught a late Sunday night movie to Monsters University. It was so entertaining! Somehow Pixar and fake monsters really made me miss my college experience and Greek life. The beautiful campus at Monster University without question reminded me of how I felt walking across Baylor's campus. I highly recommend the movie to all ages. The only thing on my "To Do List" for this weekend is to re-watch Monsters Inc.

Now back to work.