Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Little Emma.

Because I have waited too long to announce that Emma Grace Cobbs was born on July 27, 2013, she is probably crawling... walking... practically driving by now.

About 18 hours earlier, on Friday, July 26th, Tanner picked me up after work and headed out to where the Dille family was awaiting the birth of their first granddaughter. The Cobbs and the Dilles gathered together in this amazing "backhouse" (should have snagged a pic so you all would understand how amazing) and drank wine, ordered pizza, and sunk into the soft sofa cushions as we spoke in excited chatter about the new baby girl about to be born.

Wine. Pizza. Couch. Not bad at all. Totally my idea of how to bring in a baby into this new world. Child birth? Pssshhh.

Well, that lasted about an hour.

Around 8:30PM we moseyed over to the hospital where we conquered the waiting room. When I say conquered, I mean absolutely took it over. See pic:

Tanner and I were able to visit Travis and Anna in their labor room while things were still pretty calm. Then for the rest of the night, we had The Game of Life on my iPad to keep us entertained until about 3:30 AM. At 3:31AM... there was still no sign of  a baby and I couldn't keep my eyes pried open anymore. A group of us sluggishly returned to the backhouse for a 3 hour cat-nap. I never pulled a true all night-er in college, it definitely wasn't going to happen as a working woman.

At 6:30AM we got a phone call saying we should come back to the hospital because things were about to get exciting. And guess what?!!
We waited. And then did some more waiting. Then some more.

About 11:30 AM on Saturday, I was able to hold a little 7 pound 7 ounce baby girl named Emma Grace Cobbs! She is the first niece and grandchild on either side with 3 uncles to "protect and guard her heart." What a spoiled and adored little girl! :)

Emma absolutely had the right idea with the shut-eye. I went home and slept for the next 4 hours.

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