Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Sixty-Seven Years.

 marry your best friend.


All this "Royal Baby" talk is really making me miss London.

When I was studying abroad at the Imperial College of London two summers ago, I would walk the streets of South Kensington in awe of the fact my parents walked the same streets for nine whole years. If you didn't already know, I am a duel citizen. I was born at The Portland Hospital in London, England and called the city of red Double-Decker buses "home" for four years. My parents and sister, however, spent almost a decade as residents of the UK. I have pictures of my itty bitty self in castles I can't remember, not as a tourist but as a guest! I would love to live four years in London while I now have a hold on my memory. If anyone needs an accounting recruiter with an American/Texan accent in your British office, I'm your girl!

I barely have any memories of my original time in London. I have one memory of scraping my knees at a playground, then visiting my sister at the American School in London during her lunch hour and having her blow on my cuts and bruises to make the pain go away. I can also picture the inside of our flat with the booger-green bathtub, but I'm not quite sure if I am replacing photographs and home videos with my memory.

 My first home!!! ^^^

I have been incredibly lucky to visit to my homeland a hand-full of times since my family returned to the states in 1995. Obviously my time with Baylor in Great Britain is my most memorable trip because of the duration of our stay and all the activities 19 and 20-year-olds schedule while in European countries. ;)

I can picture living in London at some point in my life. Mostly while I'm still young or my non-existent children are young as well. I think the city is incredibly romantic. I love grey skies and damp rain jackets. I love the busyness of the tube station, or traveling on a train with 100 strangers and letting your imagination run wild as to why they want to get away. I love walking everywhere and having no reason to own a car. The castles, buildings, landscapes, and gardens all have such history to them. The evenings are romantic as well. All of the sparking lights that hit your eyes when you get off at Piccadilly Circus. The Broadway shows for entertainment, the little houses in Notting Hill, the black taxi cabs waiting outside of pubs to take stragglers home. I love it all.

Obviously I immediately text my mom as I'm dreaming of Big Ben, Phantom of the Opera, and Buckingham Palace.

I hope she is serious. I'm dying over here.

"There's nowhere else like London. Nothing at all, anywhere."
Vivienne Westwood

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Real life.

Social media is a tricky thing. It can present everyone in this perfect light. No one ever posts a photo of themselves with a double chin, third-degree sunburns, or the way they look the second they wake up in the morning. Rather, people want to show off their clean houses, healthy meals, and  elaborate vacations. Never mind the fact that every other room in the house is a disaster, your dinner full of air lead you to finish a pint of ice cream, and that vacation costs 4 months in the gym and 200 hours of overtime. On social media, your life can be as perfect and easy as you want it to be. I have definitely caught myself envious of other girls' lives via their social page. How does she have time to curl her hair every morning? How is she that fit when she eats out every night? What kind of salary does she obtain in order to buy those kind of outfits?

Well guys, I'm going to try to be real with you all and not present my life in some magical light. Last night was not magical. Remember how much I love my brand-spanking-new, all white, 2014 Jeep Grand Cherokee? If you don't, click here. As of almost 24 hours ago, I turned her into damaged goods. It was all my fault. She didn't deserve to be treated that way. I feel guilty looking at her knowing I am the one that caused her such heartache. But now, every time I look at her I'm reminded of what I have done.

Maybe I'm just not used to "Joanie" yet. She is a rather large woman.

We were having a nice time driving along West Village, trying to find a parking spot for Pinkberry. I was already thinking about my order, coconut frozen yogurt with strawberries and yogurt chips, and trying to avoid these two teenage girls walking slowwwwwwly in the middle of the parking garage entrance. Let's just say that Joanie and I are not the most patient women and when we get together, we wait on no one. There was just enough room to avoid the girls and turn right into the parking entrance.... or so I thought. I heard a crunch. And a scratch. My heart stopped. And then sank.

No I didn't hit the stupid teenage girls. Although I do blame them for all of this. I hit a cement pillar that was on the passenger's side of the parking entrance. I had no way of seeing it from my side of the car.

I immediately called my dad, because it just seemed like the right thing to do, and as he was explaining to me what steps I should take in this matter, it dawned on me that I had to pay for this. Oh yeah, my car insurance is in my name. I have to take my car in. I have to file the insurance claim. I have to also pay for a rental car in the mean time.

So there you have it people. I am a bad driver who is now broke. I am sorry you had to see Joanie this way. This is not her "perfect lighting" either.

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lake Brownwood.

Despite having the worst cold of my entire life, Tanner and I drove 3 hours to catch up with friends and hit the lake! Lauren Otis's family housed 10 Baylor kids and fed us until we could no longer chew. The breakfasts, lunches, dinners, and endless supply of sangria were all homemade. We were incredibly spoiled with amazing food and friends all weekend. Spending 48 hours at Lauren's place made me realize no one ever has a bad day at the lake. Have you ever been invited to a lake house and left thinking you had the worst time of your entire life? It's unheard of. As long as you remember sunscreen.

I tried to capture glimpses of the weekend, with the sun setting over the water, the Baylor and Texas flag flapping side by side in the wind, Austin and Caleb trying to kill each other on the tube, but pictures never fully grasp God's work like when you are experiencing it first hand. The water, the sunset, the friends in my life, are all placed by God strategically and without flaw. Being out on a lake has never failed to reminded me of God's peacefulness and faithfulness.

Hopefully one day I will be lucky enough to own my own lake house and return some of the hospitality I have had over the years. The lake is one of the easiest excuses to call everyone you know and escape reality for a weekend. Plus, nothing is cuter than seeing little tots running around in huge life jackets.

I'm still having all sorts of fun with my new camera, as you can tell.

To end the weekend, Tanner and I caught a late Sunday night movie to Monsters University. It was so entertaining! Somehow Pixar and fake monsters really made me miss my college experience and Greek life. The beautiful campus at Monster University without question reminded me of how I felt walking across Baylor's campus. I highly recommend the movie to all ages. The only thing on my "To Do List" for this weekend is to re-watch Monsters Inc.

Now back to work.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

The Fourth.

July 4th has always been one of my favorite holidays. Maybe because it's summer. Maybe because it's America. But most of all, it's because having "no plans" on the 4th are all the plans you need.

On Independence Day Eve, I drove the 263 miles back to my parent's house to see my sister, my four nieces, and one nephew. It's never a quiet stay at home. There is a better noise that bounces off the walls at high volume. You constantly have to watch your steps to make sure you don't crush a lacrosse stick, iTouch, or a little human. Hunter, Lauren, Kellie, Carly, and Cassidy all love to swim, which makes Cha-Chi a happy aunt. July 4th weekend should absolutely be spent by the pool with no intention of brushing your hair.

I just wish I had bikinis as cute as my nieces. Such cute little bikini bodies!

The whole Dement/Shuler/Little clan watched fireworks on a golf course in our old neighborhood. Watching fireworks is awesome at any age... except when you're Kellie. She covered her ears the whole time.

July 5th is my mom's birthday. Being the amazing, selfless mother she is, we celebrated her day of birth at Chuck E Cheese. This has become quite a tradition. She spends money on tokens, the kids go off and try to win a bouncy-ball or fun-dip for two hours, and my mom gets to read the newspaper. To be honest, there is still some sort of adrenaline that runs through your veins as a 22 year-old in Chuck E Cheese. Of course I wait patiently for an age appropriate kid to ask for my help winning tickets, but when they do I am more than happy to offer my assistance.

Long weekends full of family always makes Monday morning so dreadful. Especially when you have to say goodbye to five little ones that won't let go of your leg as you head out the door. Luckily I made it back to Dallas with some great pictures and clean clothes (thanks mom!!!).

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dallas Things.

Sometimes I forget that I have only been a Dallas resident for 6 weeks. "I live in Dallas" just rolls off my tongue now. It's weird. I live somewhere. I'm not visiting. I'm not graduating in 4 years. I live. Woah.

I guess I had zero problem adjusting. I have not lost any sleep over being in a new city. Actually, I probably sleep more. The fact that so many friends surround my little apartment in Uptown, and now some cousin kin, has made this new phase of life so natural. I'm also one of the only recent college graduates that likes work. I like my job. I don't even roll my eyes when my alarm goes off at 7AM! Sure, all I can think about is coffee from about 7-11AM, but I don't even mind putting on professional clothes, not coming home until 5PM, and then going to bed 6... no 5 hours later. Liking your job seriously makes all the difference. Check out my cute little cubical!

Because I'm still new to this town, doing typical Dallas things really excite me! Tanner and I went to a summer concert at the Dallas Arboretum. Of course I chose country western night. Besides the outrageous heat, the concert was so much fun! We packed a picnic basket and a bottle of wine and just enjoyed a summer evening outside. Because of the temperatures a Dallas summer can bring, the concerts don't come back until the fall. I can't wait to go to another!

I also experienced the House of Blues during one of my first weekends at my apartment. A large group of us bought tickets to go see The Dan Band. He is the singer from Old School and The Hangover. Honestly, the best concert I have ever seen, if you can even call it a concert. I was laughing the entire time. I would recommended him to anyone. I think my own dad would enjoy him the most.

My roommates and I have settled into a routine now after work. Monday nights we enjoy The Bachelorette. Recently, Patrick and Mitchell haven't been able to stay away from watching Desiree have her shot at love. These past couple of Tuesdays, Leigh and I have attended "The Porch" at Watermark. Speaking of Bachelor/Bachelorette, Leigh and I have had a new sighting each Tuesday at Watermark! The first time we went, we saw Ben from this current season, the one with the kid who caused quite a stir among the other male contestants, and yesterday I almost ran into Sean and Catherine with a cup of hot coffee in my hand. Because I follow them on every social media platform out there, I feel like I know them. I almost said "Hi Catherine!" like she was an old sorority sister. I'm glad I didn't because I immediately would have turned bright red as soon as I realized that this chick doesn't know me at all....

Also on Tuesdays is So You Think You Can Dance. Seriously the best show in the world. If time travel ever becomes available to me, I would go back in time and choose dance over softball. Watching talented dancers is one of the most entertaining things.
Leigh and I also found the time to really break in our kitchen and try new Pinterest recipes. We chose two cauliflower items because they sounded healthy enough. I made the Buffalo Chicken Cauliflower and Leigh made the Cauliflower pizza. Both were amazing but let me tell you, Cauliflower pizza is OUT OF THIS WORLD! I never want my pizza any other way! If only I could now find a restaurant that serves this because it's pretty time-consuming and messy to make.
Yes, they taste just as good as they look!

Tonight I am trying one more new Dallas thing! My cousin Jenni and I will be attending our very first Pure Barre class. I cannot wait to see what all the fuss is about. I went ahead and bought 15 classes so I hope this first class doesn't kill me. There is a Pinkberry next door so in case I chicken out, you'll know where to find me!